Esterline CMC Electronics’ Flight Management System Selected for Canadian Department of National Defence A310 Upgrade Program
(Montreal, Canada – September 2011) Esterline CMC Electronics (CMC) has been selected by the Canadian Department of National Defence (DND) to supply its latest generation flight management system (FMS) and high-performance global positioning/ system wide area augmentation system (GPS WAAS) sensor for the avionics upgrade of DND’s A310 fleet of five multi-role transport and tanker aircraft (MRTT). Known as the CMA-9000, CMC’s FMS will operate in passenger, cargo, VIP and tanker configurations. Aveos is the contracting agent for DND, given their overall responsibility for maintenance and sustainment of the MRTT fleet.
The Canadian DND A310 fleet upgrade program will involve the installation of dual CMA-9000 FMS and CMA-5024 GPS WAAS sensors, providing precision area navigation (PRNAV) as well as several tactical functions that enhance performance.
Greg Yeldon, president, Esterline CMC Electronics, said: “With our CMA-9000 FMS already established on military trainer and air transport aircraft, this key program will enable CMC to further position itself as a leader for avionics upgrade programs.”
CMC, DND, Aveos and Transport Canada have just completed the first round of flight testing of the CMA-9000 on one of these A310 aircraft in preparation for the submission to Transport Canada for Technical Standard Order certification. The aircraft Supplementary Type Certificate and entry into service are scheduled for the second quarter of 2012.
The CMA-9000’s large navigation database capability will provide flexible global operations. The A310 upgrade will allow the fleet to comply with the forecasted 2015 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards for the communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management (CNS/ATM) system, which permit shared access within both civil and military airspace and enable tanker refueling operations worldwide.
CMC’s flight management systems are the solution of choice for a wide range of tanker platforms and the preferred option of military operators such as the French Armée de l’air and the Royal Netherlands Air Force. The CMA-9000 FMS performs several key rendezvous, orbit and tankering functions. It is well positioned to enable the upgrade of many other older platforms to comply with ICAO standards for flight in civil airspace as well as improve the operators’ efficiency for aerial refueling.
The CMA-9000 is a family of compact FMS variants that is well suited for modern digital cockpits in fixed and rotary wing aircraft for both civil and military applications. It is the next-generation FMS derived from the company’s successful CMA-900 FMS/GPS and CMA-3000 helicopter FMS.
Esterline CMC Electronics ( designs and produces leading technology electronics products for the commercial and military aviation markets. CMC’s focus is on delivering innovative cockpit systems integration and avionics solutions to its customers worldwide. Its principal locations are in Montreal, Quebec; Ottawa, Ontario; and Chicago, Illinois. CMC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Esterline Corporation (NYSE:ESL,, a specialized aerospace and defense company headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. Esterline employs over 11,000 people worldwide.
Source: Esterline CMC Electronics