
Embraer listed with the Dow Jones sustainability indexes

Company has been on the corresponding Brazilian index, BM&FBOVESPA ISE, since 2005

São José dos Campos, November 10, 2010 – Embraer has been listed with the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes World (DJSI World), in recognition of the Company’s ongoing sustainability efforts. With this selection, Embraer’s strategy is now recognized by two of the most important global indexes, which includes the Brazilian BM&FBOVESPA ISE.

Through a rigid annual assessment process, handled by SAM Indexes GmbH (SAM), the DJSI are recognized as an international reference regarding corporate sustainability. They were created in 1999 and are updated every year. The inclusion is based on a wide range of criteria, including the analysis of corporate economics, environmental and social performance, and assessing such issues as corporate governance, risk management, branding, climate change mitigation, and supply chain and labor practices.

For the 2010-2011 list revision, 2,500 companies from 57 countries participated. Among them, 323 from 27 countries were selected to comprise the DJSI World, eight of which are from Brazil. Given the importance of corporate governance and sustainability issues for today’s business and industry climate, this index reflects the needs and demands of society regarding corporations, investors and the general public, worldwide.

The global and regional indexes provide asset managers with reliable and objective benchmarks for managing sustainability portfolios. The DJSI family currently consists of five categories: World, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and Korea, organized into 58 sectors and Embraer is one of the top five companies in the aeronautics and defense.


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