Embraer 190 Jet to expand Trip Linhas Aéreas fleet

Largest regional airline in South America already operates six EMBRAER 175 jets
São José dos Campos, July 19, 2010 – Embraer and TRIP Linhas Aéreas announced the
closing of a contract for the sale of two EMBRAER 190 jets, today, at the 47th Farnborough
International Airshow, in England. The aircraft will be configured with 106 seats, and the
value of the deal, at list price, is US$ 80 million, based on January 2010 economic conditions.
“We are honored to be a part of the solid growth of TRIP, which is an airline whose work is very
important for integrating the commercial aviation system in Brazil,” said Paulo César de Souza e
Silva, Embraer Executive Vice President, Airline Market. “The choice of the EMBRAER 190,
which joins the six EMBRAER 175s already operated by TRIP, shows, once again, that the EJets
family, which was designed specifically for the 70- to 120-seat segment, offers the
appropriate flexibility, economy, and comfort for efficiently meeting the demands of a diverse
range of markets.”
TRIP currently operates six EMBRAER 175 jets with a classic, single-class configuration of
86 seats. Five of the airplanes come from the contract signed with Embraer, in June 2008, that
also included options for another ten aircraft (two of which were confirmed, today), and
purchase rights for another 15. The other jet is used through a leasing contract with ECC
Leasing, an Embraer wholly owned subsidiary.
“We first chose the EMBRAER 175, after an extensive technical and economic evaluation. Now
we are taking another step forward, by choosing the EMBRAER 190, from the same E-Jets
family, which has all of the successful attributes of its smaller brother: best operating cost
versus passenger comfort, performance on short runways, and seating capacity appropriate to
our business profile,” said José Mário Caprioli, President of TRIP Linhas Aéreas.
“Furthermore, the big similarity between the two jets will reduce maintenance and training
costs while, at the same time, increasing the flexibility of our operations.”
The Brazilian airline should receive its first EMBRAER 190 airplane during the second
quarter of 2011, thus increasing the carrying capacity of its EMBRAER 175s, which is now
the biggest airplane in the company’s fleet. For more information on the E-Jets, see
About TRIP Linhas Aéreas
TRIP is the largest regional airline in South America. After 12 years of activity, it serves 79
cities with a fleet of 34 regional aircraft. The company is controlled by the Caprioli and Águia
Branca groups, both of which are traditional passenger carriers, have histories of solid results,
and sustained growth. One of TRIP’s investors, with a 20% share of its capital, is the U.S.’s
SkyWest, Inc. that, with 450 aircraft, is the biggest regional airline in the world. For more
information, see www.voetrip.com.br.