
NASA FY2011 Budget Summary Materials Posted To NASA.Gov

WASHINGTON -- NASA published its Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Estimates on
Monday, providing more information about the president's plan for the
agency's future. The material highlights spending plans for program
elements for each of the agency's mission directorates, further
defining the budget request unveiled Feb. 1. The information provides
significant additional detail on the new programs, their goals, and
the rationales for NASA's new direction in human space exploration.

The 2011 budget proposal supports bold and ambitious space initiatives
that invest in American ingenuity, develop more innovative
technologies, foster new industries, strengthen international
partnerships, and increase our understanding of the Earth, our solar
system, and the universe beyond -- all to propel the agency on a new
journey of innovation and discovery.

The additional materials are posted online at:


For information about NASA and agency activities, visit:


Source: NASA

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