High School Students Can Send Experiments Flying with NASA
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CLEVELAND -- NASA is inviting student teams nationwide to design and
build an experiment or technology demonstration to be sent to the
near space environment of the stratosphere, an altitude of 100,000
feet. The Balloonsat High Altitude Flight competition will launch on
a NASA weather balloon May 25-27 in Cleveland.
To participate, student teams in grades nine through 12 must submit a
research or flight demonstration proposal to NASA's Glenn Research
Center in Cleveland by Friday, Feb. 19. Teams of four or more may
pursue a wide variety of topics in this competition, including
science and weather observations, remote sensing and image
processing. A panel of engineers and scientists at Glenn will
evaluate and select four top-ranked proposals by Friday, March 5.
The top four teams will be awarded travel expenses and up to $1,000 to
develop their flight experiment or technology demonstration. Teams
will participate in three flight days to release, track and recover
their experiments. In addition, students will tour Glenn facilities
and present their findings at Glenn's Balloonsat Symposium. All
participants visiting NASA must be U.S. citizens.
NASA will host an informational webcast about the competition Jan. 27
from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. EST. A link to the webcast and additional
information about Balloonsat High Altitude Flight is available at:
This and similar education programs help NASA attract and retain
students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
disciplines critical to the agency's future missions.
NASA's student Balloonsat competition is sponsored by Teaching From
Space, a NASA Education Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center in
Houston, the Educational Programs Office at Glenn and the Ohio Space
Grant Consortium.
For more information about NASA's education programs, visit:
For information about NASA's Glenn Research Center, visit:
Source: NASA