Boeing to Highlight Secure, Interoperable Network Communications Systems at MILCOM 2009
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BOSTON, Oct. 15, 2009 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] will highlight its secure, network-centric military communications solutions during the MILCOM 2009 conference taking place Oct. 18-21 at the Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center in Boston.
Among the programs and capabilities Boeing will showcase are the Joint Tactical Radio System Ground Mobile Radios (JTRS GMR), the Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T), the Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL), Boeing's System of Systems Common Operating Environment, the Global Positioning System and the Wideband Global SATCOM system.
"Boeing delivers transformational communications capabilities that allow warfighters to share vital information on the battlefield," said Nan Bouchard, vice president and general manager of Boeing C3 Networks. "MILCOM gives us an opportunity to update our customers and partners on the improved situational awareness and increased mission effectiveness that our mobile, secure communications systems provide."
Boeing's online press kit at will be updated throughout the show with briefing presentations and schedule changes, if any. The site also contains program backgrounders, executive biographies and a link to high-resolution photos.
All briefings will be held in the conference room at Boeing's exhibit. All times listed below are Eastern Daylight Time.
Monday, Oct. 19
1400 - 1430: Global Positioning System/Wideband Global SATCOM: Connecting Warfighters Today
Ken Torok, vice president of Navigation and Communication Systems for Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems, discusses how Boeing's Wideband Global SATCOM and Global Positioning System satellites are delivering increased capabilities to warfighters.
Tuesday, Oct. 20
1000 - 1030: Boeing C3 Networks: Delivering the Network-Centric Future
Jo-Anne Martin, C3 Networks acting director of Business Development, provides an update on several key Boeing C3 programs, including JTRS GMR, FAB-T and CSEL.
1100 - 1130: Boeing's Wideband Networking Waveform: Networking at the Tactical Edge
John Lunardi, vice president of Boeing Networks and Communication Systems, discusses the Wideband Networking Waveform's role in the Future Force.