
NASA Sets Briefings for November Space Shuttle Mission

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HOUSTON -- NASA will preview the next space shuttle mission during a
series of news briefings on Friday, Oct. 16, at NASA's Johnson Space
Center in Houston. NASA Television and the agency's Web site will
broadcast the briefings live. Reporters may ask questions from
participating NASA locations.

Shuttle Atlantis' 11-day mission, designated STS-129, is targeted to
launch Nov. 12. The flight will include three spacewalks and the
installation of two platforms to the International Space Station's
truss, or backbone. The platforms will hold spare hardware to sustain
station operations after the shuttle is retired. Atlantis also will
return NASA astronaut Nicole Stott after spending more than two
months aboard the orbiting laboratory. This is slated to be the final
time a station crew member will be returned home on a space shuttle

Charlie Hobaugh will command Atlantis. He will be joined by Pilot
Barry Wilmore and Mission Specialists Leland Melvin, Randy Bresnik,
Michael Foreman and Robert Satcher. Wilmore, Bresnik and Satcher will
be making their first trips to space.

Schedule of briefings (all times CDT):
8 a.m. -- Program Overview Briefing
9:30 a.m. -- STS-129 Mission Overview Briefing
11 a.m. -- NASA TV Video File
11:30 a.m. -- STS-129 Spacewalk Briefing
1 p.m. -- STS-129 Crew News Conference

Also on Oct. 16, Atlantis' six astronauts will be available for
interviews at Johnson. Reporters must contact Gayle Frere at
281-483-8645 by Oct. 13 to reserve an interview opportunity.

U.S. reporters planning to attend the briefings in Houston must
contact the Johnson newsroom at 281-483-5111 by 5 p.m. CDT on Oct. 13
for credentials. Journalists representing foreign media, regardless
of citizenship, must contact the Johnson newsroom by 5 p.m. on Oct.

For NASA TV streaming video, schedules and downlink information,


For the latest information about the STS-129 mission and its crew,


For the latest information on the space station, visit:
