
747-8 Landing Gear Ready For Test Aircraft

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By Michael Mecham

Goodrich’s Landing Gear final assembly facility, a satellite plant to Boeing’s widebody factories in Everett, Wash., has shipped the first main and nose-wheel gear for the 747-8 Freighter.

Included are wing, body and nose gear. All have been transported from Goodrich to Boeing’s 747-8 assembly line, where they are now under the nose of RC501, the first flight-test 747-8, which is in final body join.

The gear will be installed in final body join and then the aircraft rolled into a slant position for engine, avionics, raked wing tips and other systems installations.

Fundamentally, the gear have been beefed up with new carbon brakes, materials, wheels and tires, to take the increased weight of the larger -8, which has grown to 975,000 lbs. maximum takeoff weight, compared with the 875,000 lbs. of a 747-400 Freighter.

Photo: Boeing

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