USAF Cancels TSAT Ground Segment Work
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Amy Butler
The U.S. Air Force isn't waiting for congressional approval to proceed with dismantling the multi-billion dollar Transformational Satellite architecture that was proposed for termination by Defense Secretary Robert Gates last month.
The service announced June 8 it was terminating for convenience the Transformational Satellite Communications System Mission Operations System (TMOS) contract with Lockheed Martin.
TMOS was to be the ground support infrastructure for the new jam-proof satellite communications architecture. The contract was worth over $2 billion. No doubt Lockheed and the Air Force will be negotiating an amicable parting of ways; a total cost for the termination isn't yet known.
The service also announced termination of a contract for engineering support and integration with Booz Allen Hamilton worth about $20.8 million.
Meanwhile, the Air Force plans to allow the competitive risk reduction contracts with Lockheed Martin and Boeing for the satellite segment to run out, which will occur July 7. To date, the Pentagon has spent about $733 million with each company for this work.
Artist's concept: Lockheed Martin