
Boeing to Provide Systems Engineering for GOES-R Ground Operations

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ARLINGTON, Va., June 29, 2009 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that it will provide systems engineering expertise and data distribution tools for the integrated ground system of the GOES-R series of weather satellites, under a contract from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Boeing is part of Harris Corporation's prime contractor team for the ground system, which will operate the GOES-R and -S satellites on orbit, as well as generate and distribute weather and scientific data. The data will be used by weather forecasters and scientists to analyze changing climate conditions and predict dangerous storms. Boeing's subcontract is valued at $55 million.

"Boeing is pleased to be part of the Harris team," said Sparky Olsen, director of Mission Operations for Boeing Intelligence and Security Systems. "This new contract enhances our ongoing partnership with Harris, as well as our long-standing relationship with NOAA."

Boeing is the prime contractor for the GOES N-P satellite series, which consists of three weather and environmental imaging spacecraft and their supporting ground command and control elements. The GOES-N satellite, now known as GOES-13, was launched on May 24, 2006, and began operating in a back-up mode in December 2006. GOES-O was launched on June 27, and GOES-P is expected to launch in 2010.

A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world's largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $32 billion business with 70,000 employees worldwide.

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