
Bmi Wants To Start Flights To Baghdad

London-based carrier bmi is seeking to re-establish air links between London Heathrow and Baghdad.

Bmi, majority owned by Lufthansa, has met senior Iraqi Government officials and told them the airline is ideally placed to provide flights between the two capitals.

Nigel Turner, chief executive of bmi, said he had told Iraqi Transport Minister Amr Abduljabber Ismail that he recognized the efforts being made to build commercial and trade links between Britain and Iraq.

"In order for those efforts to succeed normal transport links have to be in place. The ability to travel by air between Heathrow and Baghdad is vital in supporting the considerable energy that is going into bringing business ties and investment back into the country," Turner said.

He said bmi was carrying an increasing number of passengers who currently travel from Baghdad to Heathrow via Amman.

He said the airline was currently unable to operate the routes until the UK Government allows British-registered carriers to fly in and out of Iraq.

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