
French lead medium-term alternate fuel deployment study

By Rob Coppinger

A 26-month European project to understand the technical, economic, social, environmental and geopolitical impacts of alternate aviation fuel and energy sources is under way.

Led by French aerospace agency Onera, the European Commission-funded project is designed to provide political authorities with the information needed to make decisions on the different alternative fuels, by providing recommendations and a road map for the deployment of energy sources in the medium term.

The EC also expects the work to include non-European bodies and some experiment work. Onera says: "The study will provide solid foundations for international partnerships extending beyond Europe, including the USA."

Called Sustainable Way for Alternative Fuel and Energy in Aviation, project members include Airbus, Air France, Altran, Bauhaus Luftfahrt, German aerospace centre DLR, EADS-Innovation Works, Embraer, the International Air Transport Association, INRA, Rolls-Royce, Shell, Snecma and the University of Sheffield. The project is also expected to influence topics of future European research projects.


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