KAL orders six A330-200s
By Leithen Francis
Korean Air (KAL) has placed an order for six Airbus A330-200s which it plans to use for additional capacity.
A KAL spokesman in Seoul says the carrier today announced to the Korean stock exchange it has placed a firm order for six A330-200s for delivery from 2010 to 2013.
These aircraft are for additional capacity rather than to replace aircraft already in the fleet, he says.
KAL's Airbus passenger fleet today stands at 16 Airbus A330-300s, three A330-200s and eight Airbus A300-600s, he adds.
Until today it had no other A330s on order and the spokesman says he is unaware if the firm order for six includes options for more.
The spokesman declines to say what engine type will power the A330-200s on order but KAL's other A330s are powered by Pratt & Whitney.