
TACA A320 crash: Jet's behaviour 'consistent' with crew action

By David Kaminski-Morrow

Preliminary findings from the fatal TACA Airbus A320 landing accident in Honduras last May have not revealed any technical fault with the aircraft.

The jet overran Tegucigalpa's runway 02, which was wet, while landing with a 12kt tailwind. Runway 02 has a 213m displaced threshold, leaving a relatively short landing distance of 1,649m (5,410ft).

El Salvador's civil aviation authority, which is overseeing the inquiry, states that the aircraft's landing performance was "consistent with runway condition and crew actions".

Flight TA390 had been arriving from San Salvador on 30 May. Air traffic controllers had advised the crew of a 10kt wind from 190° and confirmed the runway was wet.

Slats and flaps were fully extended, and the ground spoilers armed, with the A320's autobrake at its 'medium' setting during the approach. The autopilot and flight directors were off and the autothrust was in 'managed' speed mode.

The jet touched down about 400m from the displaced threshold, with a ground speed of 159kt, and the thrust levers were retarded to 'maximum reverse'. Both thrust reversers and the ground spoilers deployed normally.

Investigators state that the crew started manual braking four seconds after main landing-gear contact and ordered maximum pedal braking 10s later.

Following a call-out at 70kt from the co-pilot, the captain - who was flying the aircraft - selected the 'idle reverse' position with the thrust levers with about 190m of runway remaining. The aircraft overran at 54kt.

Five people, including two on the ground, were killed in the accident, which destroyed the aircraft.

VIDEO: TACA A320 travelling at high speed moments before fatal Honduras overrun

Air Transport Intelligence

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