
China Orbits Weather Satellite

Jan 5, 2009

China used a Long March 3A rocket to place a weather satellite in geostationary orbit Dec. 23, 2008, wrapping up an 11-launch series for the year that set a new pace for the country's rapidly advancing space program.

Liftoff of the launcher carrying the Feng Yun 2E spacecraft came at 8:54 a.m. local time (7:54 p.m. EST Dec. 22) from the Xichang launch center in southwest China, bound for an orbital position at 105 degrees East Longitude.

The new satellite will replace the Feng Yun 2C geostationary weather satellite, launched in 2004, at that position. China also operates the Feng Yun 2D weather spacecraft, which was launched to geostationary orbit in 2006.

Long March 3A photo: Xinhua

AVIATION WEEK Copyright 2008, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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